Generate Sine Wave¶
import numpy as np
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
samplerate = 1000 # 1000 points every second
# 1 second of audio
timeAxis = np.linspace(0, 1, samplerate)
freq = 5
sineWave = 1.2*np.sin(2*np.pi*freq*timeAxis)
Quantization is discretization in time¶
Quantizatiopn steps and bits relationship¶
steps = 8
# Take log to the base 2
bits = int(np.log2(steps))
print("For Quantization in",steps, "steps, we require:",bits,"bits")
For Quantization in 8 steps, we require: 3 bits
Quantize the sinewave using np.clip:
# Normalize the input Signal
sineWave = sineWave/max(sineWave)
# Calculate the number of Quantization steps
levels = 2 ** (bits - 1)
# Calculate step size
stepSize = 1 / levels
# Clip the signal between -1 and (1-step_size)
sineClipped = np.clip(sineWave, -1, 1-step_size)
# Quantize by multiplying and rounding then dividing
# The division scales our rounded integers back to the original signal range.
quantizedSine = np.round(sineWave * levels) / levels
# Create subplots
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 8)) # 2 rows, 1 column
# Plot each sine wave in its respective subplot
axes[0].set_title("Sine Wave")
axes[0].set_ylabel("Amplitude = x[n]")
axes[1].set_title("Quantized Sine Wave - 3 bits")
axes[1].set_ylabel("Amplitude = x[n]")
Quantization Error¶
$$ e_q[n] = x_q[n] - x[n] $$
# Generate Sine Wave
samplerate = 1000 # 1000 points every second
# 1 second of audio
timeAxis = np.linspace(0, 1, samplerate)
freq = 5
sineWave = 1.2*np.sin(2*np.pi*freq*timeAxis)
# Quantize Sine Wave to 8 levels
# Normalize the input Signal
sineWave = sineWave/max(sineWave)
bits = 3
# Calculate the number of Quantization steps
levels = 2 ** (bits - 1)
# Calculate step size
stepSize = 1 / levels
# Clip the signal between -1 and (1-step_size)
sineClipped = np.clip(sineWave, -1, 1-step_size)
# Quantize by multiplying and rounding then dividing
# The division scales our rounded integers back to the original signal range.
quantizedSine = np.round(sineWave * levels) / levels
# Same operation written as a function:
def quantize_signal(x, bits):
mult = 2**(bits - 1)
stepSize = 1/mult
xClip = np.clip(x, -1, 1-stepSize)
return np.round(xClip * mult)/mult
Quanterror = quantizedSine - sineWave
# Create subplots
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 8)) # 2 rows, 1 column
# Plot each sine wave in its respective subplot
axes[0].set_title("Sine Wave & Quantized Sine Wave")
axes[0].set_ylabel("Amplitude = x[n]")
axes[0].plot(timeAxis[0:200],quantizedSine[0:200], '--')
axes[0].set_title("Quantized Sine Wave - 3 bits")
axes[0].set_ylabel("Amplitude = x[n]")
axes[1].set_title("Quantized Sine Wave - 3 bits")
axes[1].set_ylabel("Amplitude = x[n]")
Try Quantizing audiorate sinusoids at various bit depths (2,4,8,12,24). Store the waveform and listen to the generated signal.
Bonus: Visualize the magnitude spectrum
SNR (Signal To Noise Ratio)¶
$$ SNR' = \frac{signal\_energy}{noise\_energy} = \frac{W_s}{W_{qe}} $$
The power/energy (W) can be calculated as the mean square value over time: $$ W = \frac{1}{T}\int_0^T x^2(t)dt $$ For discrete signals, this becomes: $$ W = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x^2[n] $$
Theoretically, We have shown that the power of quantization error is, when assuming a uniform probability density for quantization error.
$$W_{qe} = \frac{\Delta^2}{12}$$, where $\Delta$ is the quantization stepsize.
So our theoretical SNR equation becomes: $$ SNR' = \frac{W_s}{W_{qe}} = \frac{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x^2[n]}{\frac{\Delta^2}{12}} $$
we often depict it using Decibel (dB). $$ SNR_{dB} = 10\log_{10}(\frac{W_s}{W_{qe}}) $$
Decibel (dB) is a way to express ratios on a logarithmic scale. The scale compresses wide ranges into manageable numbers and match how humans perceive many natural phenomena.
Additionally (pun intended), multiplication operations turn into additon in the logarithmic scale!
SNR can be improved by¶
- Reducing the noise power
- Increasing the power of the clean signal
def theoretical_snr(bits):
# For a sine wave, signal power is 1/2
signal_power = 0.5
# Quantization error power is Δ²/12
delta = 2 / (2**bits) # Step size
error_power = delta**2 / 12
snr = signal_power / error_power
decibelsnr = 10 * np.log10(snr)
return decibelsnr
def calculate_snr(signal, quantized):
# Calculate quantization error
error = quantized - signal
# Calculate powers
signal_power = np.mean(signal**2)
error_power = np.mean(error**2)
# Calculate SNR
snr = signal_power / error_power
snr_db = 10 * np.log10(snr)
return snr_db
# Calculate SNR for different bit depths
bit_depths = [2,3,4,8,12,24,32]
practical_snr = []
theory_snr = []
for bits in bit_depths:
# Practical SNR
quantized = quantize_signal(sineWave, bits)
snr = calculate_snr(sineWave, quantized)
# Theoretical SNR
snr_theory = theoretical_snr(bits)
# Plot results
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.plot(bit_depths, practical_snr, label='Measured SNR')
plt.plot(bit_depths, theory_snr, '--', label='Theoretical SNR')
plt.xlabel('Bit Depth')
plt.ylabel('SNR (dB)')
plt.title('SNR vs Bit Depth')
# Print some example values
print("\nSNR at different bit depths:")
print("Bits | Practical SNR | Theoretical SNR | Difference")
print("-" * 50)
for bits, p_snr, t_snr in zip(bit_depths, practical_snr, theory_snr):
print(f"{bits:4d} | {p_snr:12.2f} | {t_snr:14.2f} | {abs(p_snr-t_snr):10.2f}")
SNR at different bit depths: Bits | Practical SNR | Theoretical SNR | Difference -------------------------------------------------- 2 | 9.56 | 13.80 | 4.25 3 | 16.47 | 19.82 | 3.35 4 | 23.24 | 25.84 | 2.60 8 | 49.14 | 49.93 | 0.78 12 | 73.53 | 74.01 | 0.48 24 | 146.31 | 146.26 | 0.06 32 | 194.64 | 194.42 | 0.22