Spatial Sound Synthesis

Spectral Spatialization

Spectral spatialization is an advanced form of spatialization, which is based on a separation of audio signals into frequency bands (Kim-Boyle, 2008). These frequency bands can be distributed in space which allows a dynamic spreading of existing sound material. Spectral spatialization methods are found in many electroacoustic compositions and live electronic performances.

Spatial Sound Synthesis

Spatial sound synthesis refers to spatialization at an early stage in the synthesis process. In contrast to classic spatialization of existing sources, this results in spatially distributed sounds. Approaches towards spatial sound synthesis have been presented for most known synthesis principles, including additive synthesis (Topper, 2002), granular synthesis (Roads, 2004), physical modeling (Mueller, 2009) and modulation synthesis (McGee, 2015).



  • Grimaldi, Vincent and Böhm, Christoph and Weinzierl, Stefan and von Coler, Henrik. Parametric Synthesis of Crowd Noises in Virtual Acoustic Environments. In Proceedings of the 142nd Audio Engineering Society Convention. Audio Engineering Society, 2017.
    [details] [BibTeX▼]


  • Stuart James. Spectromorphology and spatiomorphology of sound shapes: audio-rate AEP and DBAP panning of spectra. In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC). 2015.
    [details] [BibTeX▼]
  • Ryan McGee. Spatial modulation synthesis. In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC). 2015.
    [details] [BibTeX▼]


  • Alexander Müller and Rudolf Rabenstein. Physical modeling for spatial sound synthesis. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Digital Audio Effects (DAFx). 2009.
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  • Scott Wilson. Spatial swarm granulation. In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC). 2008.
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  • David Kim-Boyle. Spectral spatialization - an overview. In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC). Belfast, UK, 2008.
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  • Curtis Roads. Microsound. The MIT Press, 2004. ISBN 0262681544.
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  • David Topper, Matthew Burtner, and Stefania Serafin. Spatio-operational spectral (SOS) synthesis. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Digital Audio Effects (DAFx). Singapore, 2002.
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