Receiving OSC in SuperCollider
By default, a running instance of sclang listens to incoming OSC messsages on the port 57120. For listening to a specific OSC message, an OSC function can be defined with a specific path. SC will then evaluate the defined function when OSC messages are received at the default port with the matching path:
~osc_receive = OSCFunc( { arg msg, time, addr, recvPort; post('Revceived message to path: '); msg[0].postln; post('With value: '); msg[1].postln; }, '/test/message');
OSCdef is more flexible and allows to change definitions on the fly, without deleting nodes (the OSCdef identifier does not have to match the OSC path - but it does in this example):
Opening Specific UDP Ports
For many applications it can be helpul to open a specific port for a puropse. Sometimes the server booting process can be interrupted by messages being sent to ''57120'' before booting is competed. An additional port can be opened like this:
A list of all open ports can be queried from the language: