Posts by Henrik von Coler
- Window Functions
- Zero Padding
- Extensions & Plugins for SuperCollider
- Configuring the Server
- Running Scripts from the Command Line
- Z Transform for Filters
- SuperCollider: Synchronous vs Asynchronous
- Icecast
- Z Transform
- SuperCollider: Buffers & Samples
- Simple GUI
- Max: Controlling a Servo
- Additive Synthesis in SuperCollider
- Patches and Subpatches in Pure Data
- Python Blackbox Exercise
- Controlling a Servo with Arduino
- FFT-IFFT & Overlap-Add
- Diffusion
- Laplace Transform
- Receiving OSC in SuperCollider
- Using OSC in Pure Data
- Perception of Partial Phase Relations
- FIR Design Through Windowing
- Sending OSC from SuperCollider
- Wavetable Oscillator with Phase Reset
- LTI Systems
- Dither & Noise Shaping
- Controlling SC with the Mouse
- Additive & Spectral: IFFT Synthesis
- Short-Time Fourier Transform
- Plotting with Matplotlib
- Quantization of a Sine Wave
- The Smart Mesh
- Using Envelopes
- Physical Modeling: Advanced Models
- FM Synthesis: DX7
- FM Synthesis: Pure Data Example
- Faust: A Simple Envelope
- Additive & Spectral: Parabolic Interpolation
- Correlation
- Quantization
- The Simple Mesh
- Host Discovery with Nmap
- UX in Spatial Sound Synthesis
- Waveguide with Excitation Input
- DFT of a Sine Wave - The Math
- Oscillator Syncing
- Using Arrays in SuperCollider
- Envelopes: Exponential
- Pure Data: Send-Receive & Throw-Catch
- Digital Waveguides: String with Losses
- Faust: Feedback
- IIR Filters
- FM Synthesis: Interactive Example
- Additive & Spectral: Partial Tracking
- Step-By-Step Convolution
- Classes in Python
- The Manual Ring
- Max for Live: Force Sensing Linear Potentiometer
- Additive & Spectral: Studie 2
- Spatial Granular in SuperCollider
- Encoding Ambisonics Sources
- HaLaPhon & Luigi Nono
- Wait for (Audio) Hardware in systemd
- Waveguide Strings in Faust
- Spectral Leakage
- Pulse Width Modulation: Example
- Wavefolding Example
- Using APIs with Python
- Envelopes: ADSR
- Working with Groups
- Pure Data: Installing Externals with Deken
- Digital Waveguides: Ideal String without Losses
- Faust: Delay
- FIR Filters
- FM Synthesis: Formula & Spectrum
- Additive & Spectral: Spectral Modeling
- Aliasing with Overtones
- Faust: Using Microcontroller Boards
- Faust: OSC Control
- Convolution
- Max for Live: Light Dependent Resistor
- Faust for Web Audio
- Karplus-Strong Example
- Chowning & Music IV
- Spatial Granular Synthesis
- Using YAML for Configuration
- Envelopes in PD
- Discrete Fourier Transform
- Pulse Width Modulation
- Wavefolding
- Combining Nodes in SuperCollider
- More APIs
- Digital Waveguides: Discrete Wave Equation
- Faust: MIDI
- Faust: Splitting and Merging Signals
- Digital Filters
- Subtractive Example
- Additive & Spectral: History
- Aliasing with a Sine Example
- PDF Examples
- Python Basics
- SuperCollider: Light Dependent Resistor
- Asteroids - NeoWs
- Spatial Additive in SuperCollider
- Sliders in PD
- Osaka 1970 - German Pavilion
- Simple Waveguides in C++
- Using WAV Files with Libsndfile
- Karplus-Strong in Faust
- Fourier Transform of a Boxcar
- Moving Files with SCP
- Waveshaping Example
- Resources
- Using Python for Control
- Using Buses in SuperCollider
- Faust: Conditional Logic
- Filter Characteristics and Parameters
- Fourier Series: Triangular
- Sampling & Aliasing
- Faust: Compiling Plugins
- Fourier Transform
- Probabilities
- Python Setup
- IEM Remote Control with PD
- Max for Live: Live Object Model
- Pure Data: Light Dependent Resistor
- The Ambisonics Workflow
- Spatial Additive Synthesis
- Stockhausen & Elektronische Musik
- Building with Make
- Karplus-Strong in C++
- Using MIDI with RtMidi
- SuperCollider Granular Example
- Background
- Using SSH for Remote Access
- Waveshaping
- Faust
- Realtime Weather Sonification
- A Brief History
- SynthDefs
- Control Rate and Audio Rate
- Raspberry Pi
- The Karplus-Strong Algorithm
- Families of Subtractive Synthesis
- AM & Ringmodulation: Example
- Fourier Series: Square Wave
- Sampling: Theory and Math
- Faust: Compile for Puredata
- Faust: Parallel Composition
- Online Tools and Materials
- Complex Oscillation
- Signal Types
- IEM Plugins
- A First Arduino-Sensor-Circuit
- Max for Live: A Short Introduction
- Binaural Introduction
- Audio Input & Output in PD
- Understanding Ambisonics Signals
- Using Ambisonics Recordings
- John Cage's Williams Mix
- Spatial Sound Synthesis
- Using OSC with the liblo
- Working with the g++ Compiler
- Physical Modeling in Faust
- Playing Samples in SuperCollider
- Create Classes in SuperCollider
- Links and Course Material
- Using Shell Scripts
- Distortion Synthesis
- Past Projects - Sound Synthesis in C++
- Audio Programming in C++
- Getting Started with Web Audio
- OSC: Open Sound Control
- First Sounds with SuperCollider
- Using JACK Audio
- Filters in PD
- Physical Modeling: Introduction
- Concept of Subtractive Synthesis
- AM & Ringmodulation: Formula & Spectrum
- Fourier Series: Sawtooth
- Faust: Compile for SuperCollider
- Faust: Sequential Composition
- Faust: Quick Introduction
- Analog to Digital Conversion
- Complex Numbers
- Physical Computing in Music and Sound Art
- Pierre Schaeffer & Musique Concrète
- Binaural Spatialization with SC-HOA
- Network Audio
- Working with the Terminal
- Concept
- The MIDI Protocol
- Getting Started with SuperCollider
- Getting Started with Puredata
- Concatenative: Crowd Noise Synthesis
- Concatenative: Introduction
- Granular: Faust Example
- Granular: Introduction
- Sampling: Using Audio Files in Faust
- Sampling: Introduction
- Subtractive: Faust Examples
- FM Synthesis: Faust Example
- AM & Ringmodulation: Faust Examples
- AM & Ringmodulation: Introduction
- FM Synthesis: History & Backgroud
- JACK Projects as System Services
- Additive & Spectral: Faust Examples
- Additive & Spectral: Introduction
- Digital Synthesis: Trends and Developments
- Digital Synthesis: Applications
- Digital Synthesis: History & Taxonomy
- Faust: Controlling Parameters
- Jupyter Examples