Running Scripts from the Command Line

Executing Complete Scripts

All above examples were used in a live-coding scenario. The commands were executed in blocks or single lines, step after step. For running a complete script, routines can help to keep the server synchronized. In addition, the server needs to be booted before any server-side operations take place. This can be done with different methods.

Wait for Boot

Server.waitForBoot boots a server and, when completed, runs the function passed to it as an argument:


   // a sine oscillator node with one parameter
   var x = {|freq=1000|,}.play;


Do when Booted

Server.doWhenBooted need the server to be started with an extra command:


    // a sine oscillator node with one parameter
    var x = {|freq=1000|,}.play;



Calling sclang from the Terminal

Once a script is executable as a whole, it can be started using sclang in the command line. When the above file is stored as sine_example.scd, it can be started without launching the scide or any other environment :

$ sclang sine_example.scd