Faust: MIDI
Using MIDI in Faust requires only minor
additions to the code and compiler arguments.
For first steps it can be helpful to control single
synth parameters with MIDI controllers.
This can be configured via the UI elements.
The following example uses MIDI controller
number 48 to control the frequency of a sine wave
by adding [midi:ctrl 48]
to the hslider parameters.
// midi-example.dsp // // Control a sine wave frequency with a MIDI controller. // // Henrik von Coler // 2020-05-17 import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = hslider("frequency[midi:ctrl 48]",100,20,1000,0.1) : si.smoo; process = os.osc(freq) <: _,_ ;
CC 48 has been chosen since it is the first slider on the AKAI APC mini. If the controller numbers for other devices are not known, they can be found using the PD patch
Compiling with MIDI
In order to enable the MIDI functions,
the compiler needs to be called with an
additional flag -midi
$ faust2xxxx -midi midi_example.dsp
This flag can also be combined with the
flag to make synths listen to both MIDI and OSC.
Note Handling & Polyphony
Typical monophonic and polyphonic synth control can be added to Faust programs by defining and mapping three parameters:
When used like in the following example, they will be linked to the parameters of MIDI note on and note off events with a frequency and a velocity.
// midi_trigger.dsp // // Henrik von Coler // 2020-05-17 import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = nentry("freq",200,40,2000,0.01) : si.polySmooth(gate,0.999,2); gain = nentry("gain",1,0,1,0.01) : si.polySmooth(gate,0.999,2); gate = button("gate") : si.smoo; process = vgroup("synth",os.sawtooth(freq)*gain*gate <: _,_);
Compiling Polyphonic Code
$ faust2xxxx -midi -nvoices 12 midi_trigger.dsp
MIDI on Linux
Faust programs use Jack MIDI, whereas MIDI controllers usually connect via ALSA MIDI. In order to control the synth with an external controller, a bridge is nedded:
$ a2jmidi_bridge
The MIDI controller can now connect to the
input, which is then connected
to the synth input.