Wavetable Oscillator with Phase Reset
The Faust oscillators.lib comes with many different implementations of oscillators for various waveforms. At some point one might still need a behavior not included and lower level approaches are necessary.
This example shows how to use a phasor to read a wavetable with a sine waveform. This implementation has an additional trigger input for resetting the phase of the oscillator on each positive zero crossing. This can come handy in various applications, especially for phase-sensitive transients, as for example in kick drums.
The example is derived from Barkati et. al (2013) and part of the repository:
import("stdfaust.lib"); // some basic stuff sr = SR; twopi = 2.0*ma.PI; // define the waveform in table ts = 1<<16; // size = 65536 samples (max of unsigned short) time = (+(1) ~ _ ) , 1 : - ; sinewave = ((float(time) / float(ts)) * twopi) : sin; phase = os.hs_phasor(ts,freq,trig); // read from table sin_osc( freq) = rdtable(ts ,sinewave , int(phase)) ; // generate a one sample impulse from the gate trig = pm.impulseExcitation(reset); reset = button ("reset"); freq = hslider("freq", 100, 0, 16000, 0.00001); // offset = hslider("offset", 0, 0, 1, 0.00001); process = sin_osc(freq);
- Karim Barkati and Pierre Jouvelot.
Synchronous programming in audio processing: a lookup table oscillator case study.
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 46(2):1–35, 2013.
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