Using the Git Repository

Git is a distributed version control system. Changes to (text) files are grouped in chunks called commits. You can create new branches of a repository for specific features or tasks and merge those branches after you finished your changes.

Cloning a Git Repository

git clone

This creates a directory with the name SPRAWL and clones the git repository locally.

With git log you can see all recent commits.

Create Branches, Adding Changes and Committing

Let's create a new branch for our changes:

git checkout -b new_changes

Now we are on a new created branch called new_changes. If you omit the -b you checkout a branch that is on the remote repository.

The easiest way to committing changes is to commit every changes of files.

git add file.txt
git add file2.txt
git commit -m "Fixes wording of file.txt and file3.t wsgh s"

Sometimes it happens that you commited your changes too early but didn't pushed your changes to the remote server. If you only want to change the commit message you can use git commit --amend. The same command works for adding more changes to the last commit. Don't forget to use git add filename.

Pushing Changes to the Remote Server

With git you can have more than one remote repository. After you cloned the sprawl repository you will have a remote repository with the name origin.

student@h2912420:~/SPRAWL$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

But you don't have any push access to this repository. To get your changes into the mainline SPRAWL repository you have to fork the project on github. At the right top corner at the sprawl's repo you must click on fork. Then you can add your own repo to your local SPRAWL clone:

$ git remote add ntonnaett
$ git remote -v
ntonnaett (fetch)
ntonnaett (push)
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
git push ntonnaett

Exchange ntonnaett with your personal remote name. After you committed all your changes you can open a pull request on the mainline sprawl repository.

Using the Git Repository

Git is a distributed version control system. Changes to (text) files are grouped in chunks called commits. You can create new branches of a repository for specific features or tasks and merge those branches after you finished your changes.

Cloning a Git Repository

git clone

This creates a directory with the name SPRAWL and clones the git repository locally.

With git log you can see all recent commits.

Create Branches, Adding Changes and Committing

Let's create a new branch for our changes:

git checkout -b new_changes

Now we are on a new created branch called new_changes. If you omit the -b you checkout a branch that is on the remote repository.

The easiest way to committing changes is to commit every changes of files.

git add file.txt
git add file2.txt
git commit -m "Fixes wording of file.txt and file3.t wsgh s"

Sometimes it happens that you commited your changes too early but didn't pushed your changes to the remote server. If you only want to change the commit message you can use git commit --amend. The same command works for adding more changes to the last commit. Don't forget to use git add filename.

Pushing Changes to the Remote Server

With git you can have more than one remote repository. After you cloned the sprawl repository you will have a remote repository with the name origin.

student@h2912420:~/SPRAWL$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

But you don't have any push access to this repository. To get your changes into the mainline SPRAWL repository you have to fork the project on github. At the right top corner at the sprawl's repo you must click on fork. Then you can add your own repo to your local SPRAWL clone:

$ git remote add ntonnaett
$ git remote -v
ntonnaett (fetch)
ntonnaett (push)
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
git push ntonnaett

Exchange ntonnaett with your personal remote name. After you committed all your changes you can open a pull request on the mainline sprawl repository.

Sending OSC from SuperCollider

For sending OSC from SuperCollider, a NetAddr object needs to be generated. It needs an IP address and a port:

~out_address  = NetAddr("", 6666);

Sending Values Once

This first example sends an OSC message once when the following line is evaluated. The previously created NetAddr object can be used to send OSC messages with its sendMsg method:

~out_address.sendMsg('/test/message', 1);

Sending Values Continuously

Based on the previous example, a routine can be created which continuously reads values from control rate buses to send their instantaneous value via OSC. The osc_routine runs an infinite loop with a short wait interval to limit the send rate and the CPU load:

  ~cBus = Bus.control(s,1);

  ~osc_routine = Routine({{

      // read value from bus
                  var value      = ~cBus.getSynchronous(~nVbap);

      // send value
                  ~out_address.sendMsg('/oscillator/frequency', value);

                  // wait


Once created, the routine can be started and stopped with the methods play() and stop(). While running, bus values can be changed to test the functionality:;






Run the PD patch osc-receive.pd to receive values from SuperCollider via OSC and control the pitch.

Wavetable Oscillator with Phase Reset

The Faust oscillators.lib comes with many different implementations of oscillators for various waveforms. At some point one might still need a behavior not included and lower level approaches are necessary.

This example shows how to use a phasor to read a wavetable with a sine waveform. This implementation has an additional trigger input for resetting the phase of the oscillator on each positive zero crossing. This can come handy in various applications, especially for phase-sensitive transients, as for example in kick drums.

The example is derived from Barkati et. al (2013) and part of the repository:


// some basic stuff
sr = SR;
twopi = 2.0*ma.PI;

// define the waveform in table
ts =  1<<16; // size = 65536 samples (max of unsigned short)
time = (+(1) ~ _ ) , 1 : - ;
sinewave =  ((float(time) / float(ts)) * twopi) : sin;

phase = os.hs_phasor(ts,freq,trig);

// read from table
sin_osc( freq) = rdtable(ts ,sinewave , int(phase)) ;

// generate a one sample impulse from the gate
trig =  pm.impulseExcitation(reset);

reset = button ("reset");
freq = hslider("freq", 100, 0, 16000, 0.00001);

// offset = hslider("offset", 0, 0, 1, 0.00001);

process = sin_osc(freq);


  • Karim Barkati and Pierre Jouvelot. Synchronous programming in audio processing: a lookup table oscillator case study. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 46(2):1–35, 2013.
    [details] [BibTeX▼]

Receiving OSC in SuperCollider


By default, a running instance of sclang listens to incoming OSC messsages on the port 57120. For listening to a specific OSC message, an OSC function can be defined with a specific path. SC will then evaluate the defined function when OSC messages are received at the default port with the matching path:

~osc_receive = OSCFunc(

{ arg msg, time, addr, recvPort;

post('Revceived message to path: ');

post('With value: ');

}, '/test/message');


OSCdef is slightly more flexible and allows to change definitions on the fly, without deleting nodes:

        {|msg, time, addr, recvPort|

        post('Revceived message to path: ');

        post('With value: ');

},'/test/another', n);


Exercise I

Use a SuperCollider OSC receiver with the first PD example on sending OSC for sending OSC to change the value of control rate bus and monitor the bus with a scope. The section on buses is helpful for this. Keep in mind to set the correct port (57120) and path in the PD patch.

Exercise II

Use a SuperCollider OSC receiver with the PD example for controlling the subtractive synth in the previous example. This can be done with control rate buses or by a direct set() to the synth nodes.

Additive & Spectral: IFFT Synthesis

The calculation of single sinusoidal components in the time domain can be very inefficient for a large number of partials. IFFT synthesis can be used to compose spectra in the frequency domain.


Main lobe kernel for \(\varphi = 0\)


Main lobe kernel for \(\varphi = \pi/2\)


Main lobe kernel for \(\varphi = \pi/4\)


Main lobe kernel for \(\varphi =c3 \pi/4\)

Laplace Transform

Managing Jack Connections

When JackTrip clients connect corresponding jack clients are created on the server side that may have a name defined by the connecting client. In the SPRAWL system every client connects with a remote name that starts with AP_ followed by the user's name. Those jack clients must be connected to the right inputs and outputs of the sprawl system. There are several solution to do this automatically. With aj-snapshot you can create a snapshot of all current jack connections and reconnect that state later. You can even running aj-snapshot as a daemon to constantly watch that all connections of a snapshot are set.

In the sprawl system we don't know the full name of connecting jacktrip clients. With jack-matchmaker we are able to write pattern files that use regular expressions to connect jack clients:

# Direct Input


Those regexes in slashes are conforming `python's regex syntax <>'_. Jack-Matchmaker can show you all current connections:

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 30); backlink

Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string.

$ jack-matchmaker -c





As you see I'm sending one audio channel to the server that connects to the first input of the SPRAWL_Server SuperCollider application. The next two connections are the direct outputs to my receiving channels. The last two connections are the binaural rendered spatialised mix.

Jack-Matchmaker user service

Right now the jack-matchmaker user service loads the pattern file located in /home/student/SPRAWL/matchmaker/sprawl_server_stereo.pattern. This might be changed in the future with a template instantiated service.

Controlling SC with the Mouse

A quick way of control is often needed when testing and designing synthesis and processing algorithms in SuperCollider. One quick way is to map the mouse position to control rate buses. Combined with a touch display, this can even be an interesting means for expressive control. This example first creates a control bus with two channels. The node ~mouse uses the MouseX and MouseY UGens to influence the two channels of this bus:

// mouse xy controll with busses
~mouse_BUS = Bus.control(s,2);

~mouse   = {,,1));,,1));



Use the mouse example with the previous sawtooth-filter example to control pitch and filter characteristics.